Dependable and Experienced Security Experts for Your Business or Property


A Rebel security Guard

Company Overview

 Rebel Security is a true security partner for Retail Stores, Schools, Residential Properties, Office Buildings, Houses of Worship, Hotels, Construction Sites, Medical Facilities, and More. Our unwavering mission is straightforward: we are dedicated to safeguarding your present while forging a safer and more secure future. 

Discover a reliable, responsive, honest, and trustworthy partner in Rebel Security LLC

Values and Culture

 Our success relies on exceptional security guards who embody honesty, respect, accountability, kindness, and diligence in all their interactions and decisions. We fully support our employees through pay increases, benefits, training, and equipment. Our dedication to a positive workplace empowers our team to excel and reinforces our commitment to holding guards to the highest standards.

We believe that the recruitment and retention of great security guards constitutes the key to our success. Accordingly, we are wholly dedicated to cultivating a workplace environment characterized by positivity, productivity, and teamwork. 

Our company was founded on the confidence that security guards serve as the cornerstone of our organization, deserving appreciation for their invaluable contributions. We hold our Security Guards to high standards of honesty, respect, accountability, kindness, and diligence. Their commitment to these values is reflected in their interactions, behaviors, and decision-making process.

The rebel security guards are proud of their success
Revel Security team is ready 24/7 to secure your school, residential property, office building, etc.

Security Guard Services

Our security guard service is distinguished by experienced professionals who bring expertise and knowledge to every assignment. We very well understand that security isn’t just about protection; it’s also about creating a positive impression of your brand. When you choose our services, you’re not only getting vigilant security but also ambassadors who represent our clients with the same values and image that define their business. 


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When selecting a security guard vendor, don’t overlook the importance of effective communication.

Contact us, let’s talk/text/email. 


169 Madison Avenue, STE 2715 New York, New York 10016, United States